The creation of this website started from a double report.

At first, the word dissemination does not ring a bell in terms of communication as much as it should.

Besides, there are no mass market websites dedicated to the projects partly financed by the European Commission, except the official ones and those belonging to national-European agencies that you will be able to find in the « link » section.

Now, the dissemination of the European projects is one of the mandatory conditions of these projects. Since several years, the MF & PARTNERS CONSULTING Company participates to the European Projects Leonardo about innovation and innovation transfer.

We are practicing successfully a communication policy strictly dedicated to these projects but it is still difficult, in particular for institutional partners with different cultures to adopt the same rules at the same time. That is why we are launching the website as a global communication tool serving organizations and companies which would want to have an impact in their own communication of the European Projects they are partnering.

Little by little, new projects will be on line. A special space dedicated to all of these new projects will be created. Thanks to this space, the projects initiators will be able to submit them directly.
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